Search results for: hope


With or without a crystal ball, knowing for certain what will happen to us in the future is an impossible task.  For good or ill, things sometimes happen 'out of the blue', taking us completely by surprise. In some respects, it's better to take one day at a time and not



The hope of Israel Zechariah wrote: "As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water. Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double


Home Page

hello, we're the Dawn Christadelphians The first followers of Jesus believed a simple, hopeful message, which is still meaningful today. It also forms the foundations of our community. gathers our resources into one menu, so you can find out more.


A new beginning

There is something gloriously exciting about a new beginning. It may be something really simple, like when you first open a new book that someone has recommended to you, or when you sit down to relax and watch a new series that’s streaming – one that everyone has been banging on


Hello, friend

There are many types of friends, and you've probably experienced quite a lot of them! There's the distant friend you speak to every few years, but still get along with, as if nothing had changed. There's your best mate who knows everything about you, maybe grew up with you – and


The real meaning of Jesus’ birth

Throughout December 2022, our livestreams have been discovering the real story behind the nativity and the mission of Christ. We're grateful to everyone who has taken the time to join us and watch, either during the broadcasts or through replay options, and we hope you've found the videos interesting. Join


The Historic Bible Collection tour

welcome to the virtual tour the virtual tour The books kept in the Historic Bible Collection span centuries of change, charting the work that was done to preserve and translate the Christian message. In this virtual tour, we’ve included key facts and background


About the need for change

We believe that human nature is sinful. Sin is the shortfall between normal human beings and God. Adam was warned not to disobey God, but he and his wife did. This brought sin to the world and its population. The Bible mentions this first in the Old Testament, and then it

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