At first, we did not have a name for our group, and there have been many different worldwide communities who have shared our beliefs over the last two thousand years.

Although the modern Christadelphian movement originated in the 1840s, starting in North America and the British Isles, it was only in 1861 that the name was created, during the outbreak of the American Civil War. Christian groups who did not fight were required to be registered.

The word “Christadelphian” combines two Greek words which together mean “brothers in Christ”, although there have always been sisters, too.

the1way.net is run by the Reigate & Banstead Dawn Christadelphians.

The Dawn Christadelphian fellowship has members across the globe, and the Reigate & Banstead Ecclesia is in the south-east of England. We’re just one of many ecclesias, which is the name given to our groups which meet together.

The word "Christadelphian"The word "Christadelphian" split into "Christ" and "(a)delphian"


At first, we did not have a name for our group, and there have been many different worldwide communities who have shared our beliefs over the last two thousand years.

Although the modern Christadelphian movement originated in the 1840s, starting in North America and the British Isles, it was only in 1861 that the name was created, during the outbreak of the American Civil War. Christian groups who did not fight were required to be registered.

The word “Christadelphian” combines two Greek words which together mean “brothers in Christ”, although there have always been sisters, too.

the1way.net is run by the Reigate & Banstead Dawn Christadelphians.

The Dawn Christadelphian fellowship has members across the globe, and the Reigate & Banstead Ecclesia is in the south-east of England. We’re just one of many ecclesias, which is the name given to our groups which meet together.

The word "Christadelphian"The word "Christadelphian" split into "Christ" and "(a)delphian"

“…what does the Bible say?”

This is an incredibly important question.

The answers provide everything which is at the root of true Christian faith — and ours.

The background of the Christadelphians and even the origins of our name are sourced from Bible teaching.

Jesus describes his followers as his brothers in the New Testament.

In fact, the New Testament also says that the work of Jesus Christ is the only thing that lets humans have a future beyond the current trouble in this world. We believe this.

This means it is crucial for us to follow the teaching of God and Jesus Christ in its entirety, without altering it. Over the course of history, lots of changes have been made. We want to stay with the original version.


Our Christadelphian way of life, influencing everything we do, is a distinctive part of our existence. Each member of our community has a responsibility to follow the patterns that God has put in place.

Spreading the word of God2022-12-05T18:04:54+00:00

The truth of the Bible is there to be spread to a worldwide community. Our group has members (we call each other “brothers and sisters”) in a wide variety of countries and circumstances around the globe. We also continue to speak to people about our faith — in person, online and in print.

See Mark 16:15-16.

The Christadelphian approach to work2022-12-06T11:35:24+00:00

We are encouraged by the Bible to work honestly for a living, so each member should seek employment. Some types of work conflict with our beliefs, so we avoid these — including military service.

See 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12.

The way we worship2024-11-05T00:25:16+00:00

Our ecclesias usually meet each week for services which centre on taking bread and wine (the symbols of Christ’s sacrifice). Services are simple, but also include prayers, Bible readings and singing.

You can see more detail in Matthew 26:26-30.

Family life2022-12-06T11:36:33+00:00

Healthy family life is important to us. We believe in marriages in which a husband and wife work together, both for their good and the service of God. We bring up our children in the knowledge of the Bible’s message, with youth groups and weekend activities which are designed to encourage them to make their own choices wisely as adults.

Check out the book of Ephesians, reading from 5:22 to 6:4.

Reading the Bible regularly2022-12-06T11:08:57+00:00

We try to read from God’s Word, the Bible, every day. The Bible has value in every significant situation in life.

See Romans 15:4.

The idea of a church2022-12-05T18:05:06+00:00

Our local groups are called ecclesias: an ancient Greek word for meetings. This word removes significance from physical buildings. The word “church” refers to Jesus’ family and community of believers.

See Colossians 1:18 for the Bible’s teaching about the structure of the church.

Our beliefs

Our beliefs define us, and they show us the way to the change that we look for.

But these are not just our own ideas. We do not believe that anybody known as a Christadelphian has been given a special revelation from God, such as a dream, or a command to write a new book.

Instead, we’ve spent almost two hundred years trying to find the essence of Biblical teaching, as we believe this is God’s entire collection of wisdom, comfort and guidance to the current population of our world, handed down through the ages.

About God2022-12-06T12:59:50+00:00

We read lots of descriptions of God and see His characteristics in the Bible. Describing God is important, as we can’t see Him. 1 Timothy 6:15-16 tells us this.

There is only one God. He is unique. See Deuteronomy 6:4.

God is eternal. This means there is no concept of God having been created or born. He’ll exist forever. This comes from lots of passages, including Psalm 90:2.

God made everything. This includes the universe and Planet Earth. His skilled creativity is clear to see. The Bible’s teaching mentions this from the very beginning – see Genesis 1.

It’s impossible to tempt God to do something wrong, as His decisions are made with purity and integrity.

“He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.”

– from Deuteronomy 32:4 (NIV).

God has a perfect relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, but they are not the same being. God cannot die, so He could not be a sacrifice. God cannot act as a mediator between humans and Himself. Have a read of 1 Timothy 2:5-6.

We’ll look at the work of Jesus in a separate section.

About Jesus2022-12-06T12:59:41+00:00

Jesus is at the centre of God’s plan of salvation. He is God’s Son, but he had a human mother, relating him to us. In his work as a servant, and by giving up his life, he offered us a way to come closer to God. We read about this in Galatians 4:4-7.

Before his death, Jesus was significantly tempted to do evil, but resisted. He knows how we feel when we want to do wrong before God. This helps him speak to God on behalf of each believer who trusts in his work. Hebrews 4:14-16 explains this.

The Gospels tell us how Jesus was tortured and killed at the demand of his people, the Jews. The Roman method of crucifixion was used. Through his complete life of service, Jesus had become a perfect sacrifice. This is recorded in Hebrews 9:28.

After three days, Jesus was raised from the dead by God. He was given immortality. A little later, he departed from his followers so that he could go to heaven. Faith in the Gospel message has continued ever since.

Jesus will soon return to earth again.

“For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again”

– from Romans 6:9 (NIV).

About the Holy Spirit2022-12-06T12:59:28+00:00

The Holy Spirit is God’s power. We see that it was set apart to do the things which are special to God, including the creation of life. Psalm 104:30 is a powerful picture of this.

The Holy Spirit was also used to develop God’s purpose with humans. In the Bible’s account, we see how it allowed miracles, prophecies and teaching. See Acts 10:37-38.

To allow these tasks, the Holy Spirit was given to a number of people to use, not just Jesus. Only apostles could pass on this gift. Acts 8:14-17 gives us information about this.

Today, the Spirit is shown in God’s message, but the powers given to the apostles ended. You can read this in 1 Corinthians 13:8.

Through the words of 1 John, we can see that we have to test the claims of those who say they have the powers of the Holy Spirit in our era. The sole authority of the full Bible message means this can’t be justified.

“…test the spirits to see whether they are from God…”

– from 1 John 4:1 (NIV).

About the concept of the Trinity2022-12-06T12:03:02+00:00

Because of the Bible’s account, we believe that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have such separate roles that they cannot be part of a Trinity. Jesus acts in the name of God. The Holy Spirit is an unstoppable force, working in God’s creation at His command.

About our spiritual relationship with God2022-12-06T12:59:15+00:00

God knows everything, including all the details of our lives. We see this in clear descriptions and lessons in the Bible.

“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.”

– from Psalm 139:1-2 (NIV).

Even though this is the case, God still encourages believers to speak to Him, allowing this to become a conversation and even a friendship. Have a look at Philippians 4:6-7.

We believe that a prayerful way of life is very important, opening our minds humbly and allowing God’s influence. Jesus shows us principles of praying acceptably to God. See Matthew 6:5-15.


About the need for change2022-12-06T12:17:45+00:00

We believe that human nature is sinful. Sin is the shortfall between normal human beings and God. Adam was warned not to disobey God, but he and his wife did. This brought sin to the world and its population. The Bible mentions this first in the Old Testament, and then it repeats the explanation in New Testament passages, like Romans 5:12-21.

As sinful creatures, we die. When death happens, humans are no longer aware of anything. We do not find any evidence for a conscious part of life remaining, or a soul going to heaven (which is God’s dwelling place). Have a read of Ecclesiastes, but particularly 9:5.

In Romans 6:23, we see that Jesus’ work gives us hope beyond death.

To become part of the wider community of brothers and sisters who share this hope, you need to believe in the Bible’s message and you then need to be baptised. Baptism follows belief, and it involves the believer being immersed in water (not christening). Mark 16:16 tells us this.

Jesus will return from heaven. He will then wake those of his followers who have died, as God has remembered them. The wait has allowed more people time to find the Gospel. See Philippians 4:6-7.

Psalm 37:23-29 shows us that the resurrection of believers is our only hope.

About the Kingdom of God2022-12-06T12:58:54+00:00

God’s plan will be brought to a dramatic conclusion. His Kingdom will be set up on earth. We look forward to this time, which has also been expected by His servants in the past. Why not read Psalm 72?

When Jesus returns to earth, he will judge the dead. He will reward the faithful with immortal life, so they can live forever with him – see Daniel 12:2-3. The unfaithful will not be rewarded.

The whole world will change with the coming of the Kingdom of God. Jesus will reign from a renewed city of Jerusalem, and it will be a time of unprecedented peace, righteousness and prosperity.

If this is something that you’d like to look forward to, we want to offer you our support.

“The Lord will be king over the whole earth”

– from Zechariah 14:9 (NIV).

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