We gained the name of Christadelphians during the American Civil War in 1861. The movement began in the 1840s, and then our group needed distinction in wartime. The name means brothers in Christ.


We gained the name of Christadelphians during the American Civil War in 1861. The movement began in the 1840s, and then our group needed distinction in wartime. The name means brothers in Christ.


One of our major principles involves keeping separate from organisations which may have different goals to those explained in the Bible, so we do not vote for any political groups, or take part in military activities and armed conflict. Withdrawing from conflict in wartime, particularly if there is conscription, can mean we are conscientious objectors.

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight…”

John 18:36

However, in our civilian lives, we firmly believe in respecting the state in which we live – for example, paying our taxes and complying with the law.

“Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”

Mark 12:17

We will generally avoid any work which could involve judgment of others according to the law. This includes jury service and becoming magistrates.

“…who are you to judge your neighbour?”

James 4:12

We avoid any deliberate violence or force against others, so we don’t usually work in the defence sector, or in roles which could become armed.

As Christadelphians, our worldview is very positive and forward-looking. The Bible is our source of religious teaching, given by God. It tells us about a better future. In the meantime, we look for worthwhile jobs, aim to be good neighbours, and support many charities and local causes.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:25

Sometimes, keeping separate from those with other viewpoints can lead to hardship, but we believe in living in peace, and we accept any suffering because we have a long-term hope.

“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy”

Hebrews 12:14

The Kingdom of God is our ultimate goal. It’s one which we’d like to share with you, too. The vision of God’s future Kingdom replaces both the current and historic systems of world government. It also brings joy by eliminating pain, conflict and suffering of all types. This Kingdom will only be available to those who commit to the belief that this is possible. This faith is what drives our existence as a community.

We believe that God’s Kingdom is freely accessible to anyone who has faith in it, and tries to find it. Those who believe and seek God are treated equally and mercifully by Him.


We know you might still have some questions!

What if everyone had the same view?2024-11-04T23:32:30+00:00

It would be amazing if everyone agreed right now, but we think it’s very unlikely in our current world.

One day there will be harmony, but only Divine change will be total change. It’s not realistic to imagine what might occur in our society now. We don’t currently have the capacity to all be completely in line with God and be in peace.

What if this seems too different, compared to other ways to live?2024-11-04T23:38:04+00:00

As active Christians, we know it is incredibly challenging to stick to principles which others don’t keep.

We still believe in showing goodwill to those around us, and we also do what we can to support our fellow believers.

What if I think the current way of doing things has value?2024-11-04T23:36:46+00:00

If you are comfortable with the way you live your life, and find you can do something that feels positive, we know that will be precious to you.

While we don’t impose beliefs on anyone, we’d always encourage you to read Bible teaching and consider whether it can offer something even better.

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